Image via Yoga Journal |
I started yoga last year but I must admit, it's easy to slack when doing it
yourself, starting from scratch. So this time I'm hitting the reset button and
starting small at home and maybe in a few classes. Lately, I've been pretty
tired regardless of how much I rest but on
Yoga Journal, they have a few
sequences that help to jump start your energy for the day. I'll start with the
10 minute sequence and work my way up.
Here are a few tips they had:
*Start in
Child’s Pose, with your knees wide and your arms extended
forward, for several deep breaths. Gather your energy and get ready to move.
*Practice once, holding each pose for 10–12 breaths or 1 minute (or 30 seconds
on each side). Then repeat 2 more times, moving more quickly and taking one
breath per pose.
Happy Posing!
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